| ![]() DOE-STD-1066-99
Alarm System Extensions
Extensions to existing fire alarm systems and all new systems in existing buildings or facilities
should be compatible with existing fire alarm equipment at the location, including keys/locks,
similarity of alarm signals and equipment as well as user operated devices, training
requirements, and maintenance procedures.
Any materials with unusual fire characteristics, such as urethane foams, and any materials
that develop significant quantities of toxic or harmful products of combustion (as delineated
in Material Safety Data Sheets and other sources of product information), should not be used
as interior finishes or other interior applications without the approval of the AHJ. The use of
foam plastics in construction should be prohibited unless it fully complies with Factory Mutual
(FM) Data Sheet 1-57.
Fire Barriers
Wall, floor and ceiling, and roof and ceiling assemblies should be tested and rated for
their fire resistance by Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) or similar nationally recognized
testing laboratories, or should be listed for their fire resistance as approved by FM or
similar organizations.
Fire Resistance - The development of an FHA and SAR should include consideration
of conditions that may exist during normal operations and special situations (e.g.,
during periods of decontamination, renovation, modification, repair, and
maintenance). Where required by the FHA or SAR, the structural shell surrounding
critical areas and their supporting members should remain standing and continue to
act as a confinement structure during anticipated fire conditions including failure of
any fire suppression system not designed as a safety class item. Fire resistance of
this shell should be attained by an integral part of the structure (concrete slabs, walls,
beams, and columns) and not by composite assembly (membrane fireproofing). In
no event should the fire resistance rating be less than 2 hours under conditions of
failure of any fire suppression system not designed as a safety class item. (Refer to
NFPA Standard 221 and FM Data Sheet 1-22.)
Special facilities should be designed and constructed using building components of
fire-resistant and noncombustible material, particularly in locations vital to the
functioning of confinement systems. Combustible materials should not be used in the
construction of process system confinement barriers.
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