| ![]() DOE-STD-1066-99
Seismic Criteria
In addition to the applicable seismic requirements delineated in NFPA 13, the
following criteria should apply in the design of new sprinkler systems relied upon to
prevent or mitigate the adverse nuclear safety consequences of seismically induced:
inadvertent actuations,
structural failures, and
as set forth in the facility Safety Analysis Report (SAR).
In the design of sway bracing, the criteria of Section 4- (or current
equivalent) of NFPA 13 (1996) should be revised as follows. Horizontal force should
be determined by the equation F(p) = K x W(p). A value of K consistent with the
criteria in DOE-STD-1020-94 should be determined by an engineer qualified in
seismic analysis. Values for K less than 0.5 should not be used unless specifically
justified. Exception 1 or 2 following Section 4- should be applied. If
Exception 1 is applied, use "K" instead of "half." If Exception 2 is applied, divide "K"
by 0.5 to determine the multiplier for Table 4- (or current equivalent).
General Features
Fire alarm systems should comply with NFPA 72 and have the following basic features:
o Transmission of signals to the responding DOE facility fire department alarm center and
other constantly attended locations in accordance with NFPA 72.
o Local alarms for the building or zone in alarm.
o Visual alarms for the hearing impaired, where there are high noise levels, or where there
are special process requirements as determined by the DOE Fire Protection AHJ.
o The fire alarm control panel located near the main entrance or a protected location as
determined by the AHJ. For buildings with multiple alarm zones, a zone alarm panel or a
graphic zone alarm panel at the main entrance to the facility.
o Supervisory devices for all critical functions except those (such as sprinkler system control
valves) that are locked or sealed. (Refer to NFPA Standard 13.)
Alarm Actuating Devices
Alarms that respond to flow of water should be provided within a facility for occupant
notification wherever a sprinkler system is installed.
A manual fire notification method, such as telephone, alarm, radio, or manual fire
alarm boxes, should be provided at all facilities.
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