| ![]() DOE-STD-1067-94
3.4 G uidelines
3.4.1 Facilities
a) Shops, Satellite Work Areas, and Office Areas
The layout of shops, satellite work areas, and office areas should be designed
with a high priority on individual and industrial safety and efficiency.
Modifications throughout the life of the facility should ensure personnel safety
and efficiency remain foremost considerations.
Environmental conditions often have a significant impact on personnel
performance. Location and type of work performed should be considered in
determining the types and level of environmental controls and services to be
included in each maintenance area. Supervisors need to be responsive to
maintaining work-place environmental controls conducive to increased
maintenance quality and work efficiency. Examples of some environmental
controls and services include the following:
equipment/furniture space considerations
adequate lighting
facility service and instrument air
electric power supplies
demineralized water
radiological controls
temperature, humidity, and dust control
fume removal
hazardous chemical and solvent storage and disposal
noise control
Each area should have storage facilities which are convenient and which
encourage personnel to maintain good housekeeping. Shelves, cabinets,
lockers, toolboxes, job staging and laydown areas are examples of storage
facilities that may be provided for items such as tools, parts, reference
materials, and personal items. Facilities also should be provided for ALARA
when working on contaminated components and equipment.
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