| ![]() DOE-STD-1067-94
Parameters that impact the safety and workmanship, and efficiency of
individuals using a facility should be considered when evaluating the adequacy
of facility status. These parameters are as follows:
access/occupancy (peak numbers and male/female/disabled)
security constraints
housekeeping/site appearance
ALARA impact
OSHA regulations
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
evacuation routes
fire protection
location with respect to primary customer/tasks
storage needs
energy source (overload of available services)
temporary vs. permanent operation
flexibility to satisfy changes in purpose and scope
waste avoidance, minimization, recycling, and storage
b) Laydown and Staging Areas
A plan for identifying and using maintenance laydown and staging areas
should be developed and kept current. This plan should define major
maintenance activity support requirements, area use, and responsibility for
area upkeep and control. It should include such items as the following:
authorization for access, with provisions for security and fire protection
labeling of facilities to designate responsibility and entry authorization
major maintenance activities should have assigned laydown and staging
areas for equipment, special tools, rigs, and parts. Personnel
movement into and out of areas should be planned and understood by
all concerned, when warranted
contingency plans for changes (such as unanticipated radioactive
airborne contamination) which may render a facility unusable for its
intended purpose
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