| ![]() DOE-STD-1068-94
3. M A I NT E N A N C E H I ST O R Y P R O G R A M
3.1 D I SC U S S I ON
The objective of a maintenance history program is to document SSC
maintenance and performance data as a basis for improving facility reliability.
This history should assist in ensuring that root causes of failures are determined
and corrected, and used in future work planning. This may be accomplished by
a thorough review and analysis of maintenance performed, diagnostic
monitoring data and industry experience reports.
This file should be an electronic system maintained centrally with individual
groups responsible for collecting data and populating the system to be an
effective method for maintenance history control.
The derived database should be readily accessible in a R E A D O N L Y mode
An example of a program that addresses these elements has been attached for
your consideration.
3.2 S C O P E
An effective maintenance history program should contain the following
maintenance history file
component identification/description
maintenance record
diagnostic monitoring data
vendor correspondence
provisions for engineering review and analysis
N ote: E xam p les of com p on en t id en tification /d escrip tion s an d m ain ten an ce
record s are show n in A p p en d ices A an d B res pectively.
Maintenance Manager
The Maintenance Manager, accountable for maintenance of the facility, is
responsible for the effectiveness of this program. The Maintenance Manager
should ensure that all users clearly understand this program and fully
implement its intent.
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