| ![]() DOE-STD-1068-94
Work Planner Review
Work planners should review the maintenance history file
on defective components and like components for
information on similar deficiencies, performance trends,
special tools involved, personnel protection requirements,
cautions, warnings, and applicable hazardous aspects, to
assist in preparing Maintenance Job Request (MJR)
and/or work package repair instructions. The use of
interactive data retrieval for like components at other
facilities should be considered in this review. They
should consult with engineering support on the
applicability of any industry experience reports. In
addition, engineering support should be advised by work
planners of any persistent maintenance problems revealed
during their reviews. This may be accomplished by
memorandum from the work planner to the engineering
support supervisor with a copy to the responsible
manager or by direct contact with a follow-up
Additional Uses of Maintenance History
The record of craft-resource-hours and materials
expended to perform maintenance provides useful data for
outage, ALARA, and budget planning. Schedules may be
developed based on actual craft-resource-hours expended
for past tasks that more realistically define the outage end
point. More accurate estimates of hazard exposure may
also be made based on experienced levels. Maintenance
costs may be accurately projected based on actual craft-
resource-hours and materials used in performance of
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