| DOE-STD-1070-94
Lesson plans and other training materials used in the selected training setting
(e.g., classroom, laboratory, simulator, individualized instruction, on-the-job
training, etc.) are accurate, support the learning objectives, and promote
effective delivery of training.
Lesson plans are developed or modified using learning objectives derived from job
performance requirements. The content of lesson plans and other training materials
adequately addresses the learning objectives. The lesson plans contain sufficient
detail to ensure consistent and repeatable training. Information contained in the
lesson plans is sufficient to ensure that personnel are trained to a level required and
expected by facility management.
Lesson plans or equivalent training guides are used for laboratory training, on-the-job
training, and simulator training and include standards for evaluating trainee
performance. Training materials for these non-classroom training settings provide for
effective and consistent instruction. The training materials provide sufficient
information to guide the trainee and the instructor in the performance of the task.
The training materials used to guide discussions with technical staff trainees
normally are not in lesson plan format; rather training materials include key
points that support the learning objectives, taking into account the job position
and the experience of the designated instructor. This approach may also be
sufficient for much of the training that is conducted at low-hazard nuclear
Review, approval, and control requirements are established and utilized for all
training materials.
Subject matter experts and training management review and concur on training
materials. The cognizant line manager approves them prior to use. Training
materials are controlled in a manner that ensures that the latest approved version
of the material is used.
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