Material Receipt, Inspection, Handling, Storage, Retrieval, and Issuance at DOE Nuclear Facilities"> Material Receipt, Inspection, Handling, Storage, Retrieval, and Issuance at DOE Nuclear Facilities">
| D O E -S T D -1071-94
Material should be stored to maximize protection and availability.
Additionally, periodic changes of desiccant, rotation of pump shafts, oil
changes, and other preventive maintenance requirements specified by the
vendor should be performed.
Periodic inspections of store rooms should be performed to ensure the
corrosive chemicals are segregated and not located near equipment
and metal stock,
flammable materials are properly stored,
radioactive materials are properly controlled,
relief valves, motors, and other equipment are stored on their bases,
machined surfaces are properly protected, and
equipment internals are protected from intrusion of foreign
A catalog for parts, materials, and equipment should be developed to allow
plant personnel to determine what is available for issue. This catalog
should provide a cross-references listing that provides information such as
the manufacturer part number, facility part number, noun name, and
component or system for which the part is used.
Discuss with the trainees the site's material receipt and issuance program.
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