| DOE-STD-1072-94
19. Bulletin boards are provided and used for the
intended purpose and are orderly.
20. Utility service levels are controlled (i.e., electrical
power, HVAC, water, drainage, exhaust/supply, etc)
are consistent with shop needs, and are available at
locations convenient to the primary users.
21. Piping, valves, and electrical circuits are visibly
labeled to identify contents and there are no visible
signs of deterioration and their operating status is
clearly identified.
22. Electrical power disconnects are not blocked.
23. Electrical circuits are not jeopardized by wet or
contaminated conditions.
24. Equipment with specific hazards have proper
personnel guarding in-place.
25. Adequate ear protection is provided and used to
properly suppress excessive noise.
26. Portable and hand tools and equipment are returned
to designated storage areas when not in-use or at the
end of the shift.
27. Storage areas:
a) identify the hazard of materials stored
b) segregate materials by type (i.e., electrical, sheet
metal, piping, conduit, electronic, lubricant, etc. )
c) segregation considers application (i.e., staging,
defective waiting disposition, shipping, receiving,
M&TE, etc.)
28. Unauthorized storage does not exist.
29. Stored items are not in excessive quantities.
30. Storage does not exceed the limits of shelves/racks/
stacking, etc.
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