| DOE-STD-1077-94
Training records (attendance sheets, test scores, qualification records, in-process
and post training evaluations, etc.).
Team members record their findings using a common set of definitions and a
consistent level of detail. Management should ensure that a level detail that is consistent
with the risks and hazards associated with the training program being evaluated is
assigned to the process. Reviewers may use the Problem, Reason, Example, Proposal
(PREP) method as an effective means for recording findings. An evaluator documents a
concern with an element of the training program by:
Briefly stating the Problem;
Explaining the Reason why it is a problem;
Give specific Examples of the problem's existence; and
Provide a Proposal for resolving the problem.
The PREP method is applied at the TAP criteria level for self-evaluation purposes.
Careful analysis of all the PREP sheets submitted assists the self-evaluation team in
determining significant problems with the training processes or program content.
The self-evaluation team conducts its activities where the training activities occur
(e.g., the facility, the training center, the actual work site). Team members engage in
three major activities during the evaluation:
Training observations;
Personnel interviews; and
Document reviews.
Evaluators conducting training observations focus on the people (both instructors and
trainees), the instructional environment, and the instructional process. To be effective,
observations of training must be inconspicuous and focus on facts. Evaluators performing
training observations should focus on the following key aspects to reach their conclusions:
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