| DOE-STD-1077-94
They should select the training to be observed, obtain a copy of the lesson plan or
guide, and review it prior to the observation;
They should explain the purpose of the observation to the instructor and attend
training (they should not participate in the discussion and should minimize trainee
attention to the observation);
They should take detailed notes of occurrences during the observation. Write any
occurrences as facts and record the time of the occurrence;
They should compare the facts observed with the desired behaviors or conditions
in each training setting following the observation; and
They should note any strengths and/or weaknesses on the observation form.
Team members use a different set of skills and abilities to acquire information about
training when they perform personnel interviews. Successful interviewing depends on
communication skills, both speaking and listening, and on good questioning techniques.
Key considerations that evaluators should use during the interviewing process include:
Develop a set of questions in advance. Formulate clear, concise
questions on important information focused on one issue;
b. Opening:
Explain the interview purpose and answer questions;
Make use of open-ended questions to obtain detailed information
(e.g., "What do you think about the way tests are administered in
the maintenance training program?");
Use closed questions to obtain short answer conclusions (e.g.,
"Do you believe the maintenance trainers properly secure
Clarify understanding by requesting the interviewee to expand on
an answer. Confirm understanding by paraphrasing the answer;
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