| DOE-STD-1082-94
When guides or technical standards are used, the implementing organization
shall indicate if they are adopted in their entirety or adopted with exceptions.
The exceptions, if any, shall be specifically noted. Methodologies and
guidance provided in guides and standards are acceptable DOE
methodologies when adopted in their entirety. Methodologies and guidance
which are adopted with exceptions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
The adopted guides and technical standards shall be listed either by
(1) including a list of applicable guides and technical standards in the
implementation plan, or (2) incorporating a list of guides and technical
standards by reference.
Commitments in implementation plans to meet all or parts of guides and
technical standards are enforceable as part of the implementation plan.
3.5 Baseline. The implementing organization shall determine the
extent to which the requirements are already met. This effort is generally
referred to as establishing the baseline. The implementation plan shall identify
the requirements which are already met and the actions taken to meet them.
These actions are the baseline activities. Because the baseline activities are
part of the activities which define how the requirements are met, the baseline
activities or programs are to be documented in the implementation plan and
are subject to the same assessments and enforcement as other commitments
in the implementation plan when the plan is approved by DOE.
Implementing organizations are encouraged to use existing documentation
and information wherever possible and reliable for establishing the baseline.
3.6 Additional Activities. Following the baseline effort, the
implementing organization shall identify what additional activities are
necessary to meet the requirements. The combination of the baseline
activities and the additional activities shall identify all actions necessary to
achieve full compliance with the requirements. In general, the level of detail
of the activities listed in the implementation plan should define the
commitments for implementation and should not include the day-to-day
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