| ![]() DOE-STD-1082-94
The plan shall also identify any requirements which are only partially
applicable, the limits of the applicability, and the reasons for the limitation.
Individuals shall contact the appropriate Operations Office to assist with any
needed clarification of applicability statements. The Operations Office shall
contact the Office of Primary Interest (DOE Office responsible for issuing and
maintaining the document in question) for any needed interpretations of
Orders, Notices, Immediate Action Directives, Manuals, or guidance materials
or the Office of General Counsel for interpretations of Rules.
3.4 Safety and Implementation Guides and Technical Standards. The
implementation plan shall identify the safety and implementation guides
(hereinafter referred to as guides) and technical standards which are to be
adopted as the means to meet DOE requirements documents. The use of
guides and technical standards is not required; however, it is encouraged for
the following reasons:
the use of previously approved methodologies will streamline the
review and approval process; and
the use of guides and technical standards will enhance the
consistent and successful implementation of requirements across
the DOE complex.
The implementing organization shall consider methods and guidance from
guides and technical standards when developing the implementation plans;
however, alternative methods that achieve comparable results are acceptable.
When an implementing organization identifies an alternate way to implement
the requirements, a reasonable opportunity will always be provided to
demonstrate compliance with the requirements using the alternate method.
Demonstration of compliance does not require the implementing organization
to address the differences between the alternate method and the method in
the guide or technical standard unless the comparison is necessary to
demonstrate acceptability.
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