| ![]() DOE-STD-1082-94
Following completion of the commitments in the implementation plan, the
implementing organization shall retain a copy of the implementation plan, as a
record of implementation plan commitments. The implementing organization
shall also retain records which document the completed actions. The records
shall be maintained for the period of time that the facility or activity is subject to
the DOE requirements document.
The implementation plans will contain commitments to perform ongoing
activities, such as periodic surveillances to ensure ongoing compliance. By
their nature, some ongoing activities will not be terminated within the lifetime of
the facility. Consequently, the implementation plans will be considered
complete when all of the one time efforts are complete and the continuing
efforts are incorporated into plant procedures or programs which are being
The implementing organization may choose to incorporate information into the
implementation plan by referencing all or selected portions of other
documents. In such cases, the portions of the referenced document which are
incorporated into the implementation plan are also subject to the provisions of
this standard.
Because referencing is an editorial tool, not all documents that are referenced
in an implementation plan will be "incorporated by reference." Consequently,
the implementing organization shall clearly indicate which documents (or
portions of documents) are part of the implementation plan commitments. The
implementing organization shall maintain a file of all documents incorporated
by reference and shall make these documents available to DOE upon their
request. See also section 4 above for submittal criteria.
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