| ![]() DOE-STD-1082-94
When performing the assessments, the estimator shall consider monetary
costs, as well as non-monetary resource considerations such as the limited
availability of special job capabilities (e.g., pipe fitters, welders, health
physicists). The assessment shall (1) be guided by available quantitative and
qualitative information; (2) reflect the current status of plant conditions,
configurations, and processes; (3) consider the availability of materials and
resources; and (4) consider any other information that is relevant to the
nuclear safety requirements.
Organizations shall seek to achieve the broadest consistency in the methods
used to evaluate the resource requirements so that the assumptions,
evaluations, and results of the assessment can be objectively compared with
the equivalent parameters of other resource assessments. This will assist
DOE and contractor management to determine priorities for the use of
funding. All assumptions and estimates shall be made using the best
available knowledge and information.
The implementing organization shall identify the expected sources of funding
for the proposed new activities.
After evaluating the resource impacts, the implementing organization shall
consider if a more cost-effective means of achieving the intent of the
requirement is available. As a minimum, the use of more cost-effective
methods of compliance, or exemptions (see section 3.11 of this standard),
shall be considered whenever the resource expenditures necessary to meet a
requirement are not commensurate with the expected safety improvements.
The implementing organization shall limit the effort used to develop the
resource assessments to only that level of detail necessary to achieve the
goals of the assessment as stated above.
3.9 Prioritization. The implementation plan shall include a discussion
of the prioritization process used to integrate the proposed activities into a
facility or site schedule of activities. The prioritization process is to be
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