| DOE-STD-1082-94
actions taken to provide adequate protection of individuals and the
environment prior to full implementation of the actions necessary to meet the
3.13 Tracking. The implementation plan documents the implementing
organization's commitments with regard to meeting the nuclear safety
requirements. The plan will be used to measure progress in achieving
compliance with the requirements, as well as maintaining continuing
compliance. Therefore, the implementing organization shall have a
commitment tracking program to ensure that both the baseline and additional
activities described in the implementation plan are met on schedule and
continue to be met following the initial implementation. The implementation
plan shall contain a brief description of the implementing organization's
commitment tracking program.
The implementing organization shall submit implementation plans to the
designated DOE Operations Office point-of-contact within the schedule
specified in the DOE requirements document. The Operations Office point-of-
contact shall time and date stamp the receipt of the implementation plan.
The implementing organization shall contact the Operations Office point-of-
contact in advance of the submittal date to determine the number of copies to
be submitted. Documents which are incorporated by reference shall be
submitted with the implementation plan unless other arrangements are made
with the Operations Office point-of-contact. In addition, if the implementation
plan is not a stand-alone document (able to be reviewed independent of other
documents), the implementing organization shall contact the Operations Office
point-of-contact prior to submittal of the implementation plan to discuss which
supporting documents are to be transmitted with the implementation plan or
made available for onsite review.
Also see section 5.2 below for software submittal requirements for final
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