| DOE-STD-1088-95
5.6 Identification
All relocatable structures should be marked with the number, symbol, or name for identification
purposes. The marking system used should be permanent and consistent with the system
currently used at the site.
5.7 Heating and Air Conditioning
Heating and air conditioning equipment should be listed or approved by a nationally recognized
independent fire testing authority and installed in accordance with its approved design and
applicable industry standards.
Portable heating appliances should not be permitted unless they are approved by the cognizant
fire protection engineer and are a listed or approved type.
5.8 Surveillance
Exterior structural features of relocatable structures should be inspected in conjunction with the
site fire protection assessment program to monitor potential physical deterioration due to
atmospheric conditions. If such deterioration has resulted in a significant increase in fire risk,
structural repairs or other appropriate mitigating measures should be implemented.
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