| ![]() DOE-STD-1091-96
The meeting format shall provide voting members and interested representatives from
DOE and contractor organizations with an opportunity to present issues and provides a
forum for firearms safety policy and practices. Only members officially designated as
DOE voting members or designated alternates shall vote on policy issues. A voting
member who is unable to attend a meeting can transfer his or her vote to another voting
member. This action shall be submitted in writing to one of the committee
The presence of a simple majority of the DOE Firearms Safety Committee voting
members constitutes a quorum for conducting business. A simple majority of the
total DOE Firearms Safety Committee voting members is required to make a
recommendation for change to existing DOE policy or standards, to initiate action for
new DOE firearms safety policy or standards, or to revisit an issue previously voted
Minutes of the meeting shall summarize discussions and recommendations. Copies of
the minutes shall be distributed to members, attendees, and appropriate interested
DOE and contractor organizations.
Any item requiring formal DOE Headquarters action or approval is presented through
established channels of communication by the committee cochairpersons.
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