| DOE-STD-1091-96
alternate who has voting power. DOE contractor personnel are invited and
encouraged to participate in all committee meetings and activities.
The committee shall meet to present and discuss problems, concerns, and
questions of mutual interest and to exchange information concerning firearms
safety. The committee shall review, evaluate, and makes recommendations
for action on proposed changes to the DOE Technical Standard on Firearms
Safety, and the DOE Range Design Criteria Guide.
The committee shall develops and discuss firearms safety issues, and makes
recommendations on interpretations of these issues to the Office of
Occupational Safety and Health Policy. The committee shall be responsive to
the needs and concerns of the firearms safety community.
Manager of DOE Operations Offices an contractors whom providing protective
force functions on, at, or for a DOE site shall have a firearms safety commit-
tee formally organized and chartered to assist management in providing safe
firearms activities.
The committee shall meet annually (at a minimum) at an appropriate location
for the purpose of effective safety and protective forces interface concerning:
firearms and munitions;
live-fire range safety issues;
firearms training;
protective force safety and health issues; and
other firearms-related concerns, training issues, and training develop-
ments within the DOE organization.
The committee shall help ensure that this Firearms Safety Standard, and the Range
Design Criteria Guide remain current and reflect the latest and best information as
changes in firearms and firearms training methods and technologies occur.
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