| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Standards
June 2004
Occupational dose limits are provided in Table 2 1 and shall not be exceeded [see 835.202(a)(1)-(4)]. All
occupational dose received during the current year, except the dose resulting from planned special exposures and
emergency exposures, shall be included when demonstrating compliance with Table 2-1 limits [see 835.202(b) &
702(d)]. If formal records of an individual's prior occupational dose during the year cannot be obtained, a written
estimate signed by the individual may be accepted [see 835.702(d)]. Written estimates should not be used as a basis
for authorizing planned special exposures or emergency exposures.
In an exceptional situation, a radiological worker may be authorized to receive a dose in excess of the values of the
limits specified in Table 2-1.
Planned special exposures may be authorized for an individual to receive doses in addition to and accounted
for separately from doses received under the Table 2-1 limits [see 835.204].
Under emergency conditions, individuals may be authorized to receive doses that exceed the limits established
in Table 2-1 [see 835.1301 & 1302]. The provisions of this Standard are not intended to limit actions necessary
to protect health and safety under these conditions [see 835.3(d)].
DOE believes that there are few situations in which conduct of a planned special exposure or emergency exposure
will constitute a best management practice and that proper implementation of the provisions of this Standard will
obviate the need for conducting these operations. Therefore, specific guidance for conduct of these operations is
not provided in this Standard. Requirements for authorizing, conducting, recording, and reporting these operations
are provided in 10 CFR 835 and, for emergency exposures, in DOE Emergency Management Guides.
The occupational dose limits provided in Table 2-1 apply to all general employees. However, general employees
who have not completed appropriate training and examinations are not permitted unescorted access to any
radiological area [see 835.901(b)].
214 Member of the Public Dose Limit
Members of the public permit ted access to the controlled area at DOE sites shall be limited to an annual radiation dose of
100 millirem from the sum of doses received from internal and external radiation sources [see 835.208].
215 Embryo/Fetus Dose Controls
After a female worker v oluntarily notifies her employer in writing that she is pregnant, for the purposes of fetal/embryo
protection, she is considered a declared pregnant worker. This declaration may be revoked, in writing, at any time by the
declared pregnant worker [see 835.2(a), Declared pregnant worker].
The employer should provide the option of a mutually agreeable assignment of work tasks, without loss of pay or
promotional opportunity, such that further occupational radiation exposure during the remainder of the gestation
period is unlikely.
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