| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Standards
June 2004
PART 1 Administrative Control Levels and Dose Limits
To accomplish DOE's objective of maintaining individual doses well below regulatory limits, challenging numerical
administrative control levels should be established below the regulatory limits to administratively control and help reduce
individual and collective radiation dose. These control levels should be multi-tiered with increasing levels of authority
required to approve higher administrative control levels.
Unless otherwise indicated, administrative, lifetime, and special control levels and dose limits are stated in terms of the
total effective dose equivalent, which is the sum of the doses received from internal and external sources.
211 Administrative Control Level
Approval by the appropriate Secretarial Officer or designee should be required prior to allowing an individual to
exceed 2,000 millirem in a year.
Facility management should establish an annual facility administrative control level based upon an evaluation of
historical and projected radiation exposures, work load, and mission. The specific value selected should be more
restrictive than the administrative control level established by the Program Office. This control level should be
reevaluated annually. The choice of a low level for one year does not preclude choosing either a hig her or lower
level in a subsequent year. The facility administrative control level should be approved by the contractor senior site
For most facilities, an annual facility administrative control level of 500 millirem or less will be challenging and
achievable. An annual administrative control level above 1,500 millirem is in most cases not sufficiently challenging
to meet the goals of this Standard.
No individual should be allowed to exceed the facility administrative control level without the prior written approval
of the radiological control organization and cognizant facility management. Authorization by the contractor senior
site executive is recommended.
When there is wide variation in the expected doses to the various work groups at a single facility, facility
management should develop work group-specific administrative control levels to control worker doses below the
regulatory limits.
212 Lifetime Control Level
Efforts should be made to control each individual's lifetime occupational dose below a lifetime control level of N rem
where N is the age of the individual in years. Article 216 discusses special control levels for radiological workers
who have doses exceeding N rem.
To ensure compliance with the lifetime control level, efforts should be made to determine the lifetime occupational
dose of individuals expected to receive more than 1 rem in a year. The lifetime occupational dose is determined by
summing all occupational internal and external doses received durin g the individual's lifetime.
The internal contribution to lifetime occupational dose from intakes prior to January 1, 1989, may be calculated in
terms of either cumulative annual effective dose equivalent or committed effective dose equivalent. The committed
effective dose equivalent should be used to the extent that adequate data are available to calculate doses in these
213 Occupational Dose Limits
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