| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Control Records
June 2004
PART 2 Employee Records
721 Employment History
For each radiological worker whose occupational exposure is monitored in accordance with Article 511.1 or 521.1,
efforts shall be made to obtain records of prior years' occupational doses. If formal records of previous
occupational doses cannot be obtained, a written estimate signed by the individual may be accepted [see
835.702(e)]. Where practical, the association between the radiation dose and job function should be preserved for
trending purposes and future worker health studies. The following information should be maintained:
Previous work history detailing radiological work assignments, to the extent practical, and yearly occupational
doses at other DOE and non-DOE facilities.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Form 4 or equivalent that documents previous occupational radiation doses.
Ongoing work history documenting work assignments and radiation doses; the facility and occupational
codes defined in DOE 231.1 should be used for this process.
DOE standardized forms to document previous and ongoing radiation doses.
722 Personnel Radiological Records
Individual monitoring records shall be maintained to demonstrate compliance with the regulatory limits [see
Records of doses received by all individuals for whom individual monitoring was performed as required by
Article 511.1 or 521.1, including records of zero dose, shall be maintained [see 835.702(a)].
These records shall be sufficient to evaluate compliance with all applicable dose limits and monitoring and
reporting requirements [see 835.702(c)(1) & (2)].
Radiation dose records shall contain information sufficient to identify each person, including social security,
employee number, or other unique identifier [see 835.702(c)(2)].
Procedures, data, and supporting information needed to reconfirm an individual's dose at a later date shall be
maintained [see 835.702(g)].
External dose records shall include applicable extremity, skin, lens of the eye, and whole body dose monitoring
results [see 835.702(c)(3)]. These doses are usually measured with personnel dosimeters, but records may include:
Evaluations resulting from anomalous dose results such as unexpected high or low doses
Dose reconstructions from lost or damaged dosimeters, or for unbadged workers
Evaluations of non-uniform radiation doses.
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