| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Control Records
June 2004
Internal dose records shall include committed effective dose equivalent [see 835.702(c)(4)(i)], committed doses to the
affected organs and tissues [see 835.702(c)(4)(ii)], and identity of radionuclides [see 835.702(c)(4)(iii)]. The
supporting information typically includes the following:
Applicable whole body and lung counting results (including chest wall thickness measurements where
Applicable urine, fecal and specimen analysis results, including estimated intake
Dose assessment, as required.
Records of the summation of external dose and committed dose equivalent to any organ receiving a reportable dose
shall be maintained for the individual receiving such dose [see 835.702(c)(5)(ii)].
The total effective dose equivalent received by each individual monitored in accordance with Article 511.1 or 521.1
shall be maintained for each year the individual is monitored [see 835.702(c)(5)(i)].
The dose equivalent to the embryo/fetus of a declared pregnant worker shall be maintained [see 835.702(c)(6)] and
should be maintained with the occupational dose record s for that worker.
Individual dose records shall include the cumulative total effective dose equivalent [see 835.702(c)(5)(iii)].
Efforts shall be made to obtain records of prior years' doses for each radiological worker monitored in accordance
with Article 521 or 522 [see 835.702(e)]. If an individual's previous employer is not responsive to initial efforts to
obtain these records, at least two additional attempts should be made. Records of lifetime occupational dose should
be maintained with the individual's occupational dose records.
Counseling of individuals about radiological concerns should be documented and this documentation retained. The
counseled individual should sign the documentation to acknowledge participation.
Records o f authorization to exceed administrative control levels should be retained.
Emergency doses and planned special exposures [see 835.204 & 1302] shall be accounted for separately, but should
be maintained with the individual's occupational dose records.
Records of non-uniform dose to the skin need not be retained in an individual's dose records if the dose is less than
2 percent of the limit for the skin in Table 2-1 [see 835.702(b)] (see Article 723 for requirements for records of
radiological incidents and occurrences).
723 Other Personnel Radiological Records
The complete records of radiological incidents and occurrences involving personnel dose should be retained in, or
cross-referenced to, the individual's dose records. Records related t o doses exceeding the Table 2-1 limits including
authorized emergency doses and planned special exposures and other, non-authorized doses exceeding the limits,
shall be maintained [see 835.1301(b)].
Records of employee radiological safety concerns that have been formally investigated and documented should be
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