| ![]() DOE-STD-1112-98
5.6.6 Close-Out Meeting. At the conclusion of the visit, the assessors will discuss their observations
with appropriate members of management and identify any findings. A written summary of
any deficiencies or concerns discussed is left with the DOE Contractor and/or service
laboratory' authorized representative. The assessors forward the assessment forms and the
written summary to the DOELAP Performance Evaluation Program Administrator for use in
the technical evaluation.
5.6.7 Monitoring Visits. In addition to regularly scheduled on-site assessments, assessors may be
assigned to make monitoring visits at any time during the 3-year accreditation period.
Monitoring visits may occur for cause or on a random basis. These visits may serve to verify
reported changes in the service laboratory' operations. The visits may also explore possible
reasons for poor performance in proficiency testing. The scope of a monitoring visit may
range from checking a few designated items to making a complete review.
Granting Accreditation
When the technical evaluation and the performance testing have been completed for the initial
DOELAP accreditation or for re-accreditation at the end of the triennial re-assessment, the
Performance Evaluation Program Administrator prepares an administrative report and
recommendation for the Oversight Board. The Board evaluates the report and recommendation and
proposes one of two options:
Accreditation - The HQ DOELAP Administrator completes the accreditation process by
issuing a certificate and conditions of accreditation to the DOE Contractor. This certificate is
current for three years. Partial accreditation may be given (see 5.7.1 below).
Remedial Action Required - The service laboratory is notified that remedial action is required
and is given reasons for the remedial action. The service laboratory shall identify and implement a
remedial action plan within 45 days of receiving the notification. This plan is sent to the HQ
DOELAP Administrator through the DOE field office with a copy to the Performance Evaluation
Program Administrator. A service laboratory may request an Appeals Board review (DOE-STD-
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