| ![]() DOE-STD-1112-98
5.7.1 Partial Accreditation. The service laboratory may be partially accredited if it has
demonstrated satisfactory performance in a particular matrix and/or analyte of the DOELAP
categories, and does not demonstrate program deficiencies that may affect the entire laboratory
capability. If a service laboratory has not satisfactorily demonstrated compliance with the test
criteria in a particular matrix and/or analyte, and if a remedial action plan is initiated, the
accreditation process may continue in all other categories.
5.7.2 Changes in Systems or Procedures. The service laboratory shall inform the Performance
Evaluation Program Administrator prior to implementing changes in counting systems or
analytical procedures that could affect the system performance with respect to meeting
DOELAP criteria or evaluations. The service laboratory shall provide evidence supporting a
conclusion that the proposed changes are technically equivalent to the accredited system or
procedure. The Performance Evaluation Program Administrator, with the Oversight Board's
approval, shall make a determination of technical equivalence. If the determination is that the
proposed changes are not technically equivalent, implementation of the proposed changes by
the service laboratory will void accreditation.
5.7.3 Changes in Accredited Services. The service laboratory shall inform the Performance
Evaluation Program Administrator of proposed changes in performance specifications for
accredited services (e.g., changes in analytes or detection levels). The service laboratory shall
also evaluate their proposed changes in service, and provide written justification either that the
existing accreditation is adequate or that additional accreditation testing is required. The
Performance Evaluation Program Administrator shall recommend approval or disapproval of
the accreditation change request. The recommendation, with the justification, shall be
forwarded to the Oversight Board for action. If the Oversight Board rules that the current
accreditation does not cover the change in radiobioassay service, the facility may: a) apply to
accredit the current system for the new radiobioassay service, b) apply to accredit a new or
modified system for the new radiobioassay service, c) obtain the new radiobioassay services
from a radiobioassay service laboratory currently accredited for that service, or d) request that
the Appeals Board review the decision of the Oversight Board.
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