| ![]() DOE-STD-1112-98
Remedial Action Plan
If a service laboratory does not pass the criteria for all the analytes for which it has applied in a given
matrix, but does pass the criteria for some analytes, the service laboratory (in conjunction with the
DOE Contractor if a commercial laboratory) shall prepare a remedial action plan to implement
immediately. The plan is sent through the DOE field office to the HQ DOELAP Administrator with
a copy to the Performance Evaluation Program Administrator. When more than one procedure or
counting system is used to meet the special needs at a facility, it is possible for a procedure or
counting system to receive final accreditation while other procedures or counting systems require a
remedial action plan. If the service laboratory has demonstrated satisfactory performance in a
radiobioassay matrix or category for a particular analyte, and if the remedial action plan is initiated,
the accreditation process may continue for those analytes. Approval of partial accreditation shall
only be granted with the successful completion of the on-site assessment, the approval of the
Oversight Board, and the concurrence of the HQ DOELAP Administrator.
The DOE Contractor or service laboratory shall submit a written plan for resolving identified
concerns and deficiencies to the cognizant field office for approval within 30 days of receipt of the
assessment report. The approved plan shall be forwarded by the field office to the Performance
Evaluation Program Administrator, with a copy to the HQ DOELAP Administrator, within 45 days
of receipt of the assessment report.
Deficiencies identified during the initial site assessment may require some time to correct. These
corrections shall be complete before accreditation is granted. Deficiencies noted during subsequent
triennial site assessments of an accredited service laboratory should be corrected within 90 days of
the close-out meeting. When an out-of-calibration apparatus is cited, the apparatus shall not be used
for DOELAP accredited work until corrective action has been completed.
The contractor or field office may appeal an assessment finding to the DOELAP Appeals Board at
any point in the accreditation process (DOE-STD-1111-98).
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