| ![]() DOE-STD-1157-2002
e. Explain and apply problem analysis techniques to the identification of potential problems and/or
the prevention of problems. Include data gathering techniques and the use of trending/history in
your explanation.
Participate in a contractor problem analysis and critique the results.
Environmental Protection Program
14. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of
Department of Energy (DOE) Order 5400.1, General Environmental Protection Program.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. State the purpose of DOE Order 5400.1, General Environmental Protection Program.
b. Define the following terms:
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Protection Standard
Effluent Monitoring
Environmental Surveillance
Environmental Occurrence
Waste Minimization
c. Discuss the Department's policy pertaining to the environmentally safe and sound operation of its
d. Discuss the Department's policy pertaining to the minimization of waste.
e. Discuss the requirements for Notification and Reports. Include the following as a minimum:
Office of Management and Budget Circular A-106
Discuss the requirements for an Environmental Monitoring Plan.
Environmental Monitoring
15. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of
monitoring techniques related to environmental restoration.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the types of equipment used to monitor a site for the following:
Ambient air quality
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