| ![]() DOE-STD-1157-2002
Meteorological factors
River and stream contamination
Soil and sediment contamination
Wildlife contamination
b. Describe the requirements of the following documents as they relate to environmental
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
c. Describe the various quality assurance and quality control programs used to enhance data quality.
Include in your discussion programs both internal and external to the Department.
d. Given a sampling parameter/equipment, describe the standard sampling methods and protocols.
16. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
purpose and uses of environmental sampling and monitoring equipment.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Explain the reason for measuring emissions, meteorological factors and ambient air quality under
various operation conditions (e.g., routine and emergency).
b. Describe the purpose and limitations of the following air quality measurement instruments.
High volume particulate sampler
Liquid bubbler (e.g., for sulfur dioxide)
Infrared spectrometer
c. Describe the purpose and types of material collected by the following sampling media:
High efficiency glass fiber filter
Activated charcoal cartridge
Silica gel
d. Describe the purpose for measuring each of the following parameters during field surveys of
water quality:
Dissolved oxygen
e. Discuss the factors that can affect readings and the preservation methods for the field
measurements listed above.
Describe how trace toxic organics in water are assayed by gas chromatography.
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