| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Criteria: Section 6.2, Required Knowledge and Capability
Do all members of the Nuclear Criticality Safety Staff understand and know how to properly utilize
monte carlo codes (e.g. KENO and MCNP), criticality safety handbooks, critical experiment data,
hand-calculations, etc.?
Does the Nuclear Criticality Safety Staff maintain verified and validated computational techniques for
performing criticality safety evaluations for the site?
Does the Contractor NCS Staff participate in professional development activities such as ANS
Standards Committees, Nuclear Criticality Technology Project Workshop, ANS Meetings,
LANL/LACEF courses, UNM courses, etc.?
Is there a training and qualification program for the Contractor NCS Staff? Are all the members of the
Contractor NCS Staff qualified?
Does the NCS Staff have working knowledge of criticality safety related standards, guides, and
Criteria: Section 6.3, Consulting with Knowledgeable Individuals
Does a synergistic interaction exist among the NCS Staff assigned to specific facilities and the
remainder of the Contractor NCS staff?
Does the NCS Staff consult with offsite criticality safety experts periodically, particularly retirees from
the facility?
Criteria: Section 6.4, Familiarity with Operations
Does the NCS staff observe fissile material handling and processing operations?
Are members of the NCS Staff knowledgeable of credible abnormal process upsets applicable to
facility operations?
Does the NCS Staff attend operations planning meetings for new or restarted processes?
Does the NCS Staff have access to and familiarity with fissile material operating procedures?
Does the NCS Staff attend pre-job briefs and plan-of-the-day meetings?
Does the NCS Staff maintain familiarity with reports of deviations from expected process conditions
even if these deviations do not result in a criticality infraction?
Criteria: Section 6.5, Assistance with Operator Training
Does the NCS Staff participate in training personnel?
Is the training documented?
Does the training provided by the NCS Staff include job specific criticality safety related information?
Criteria: Section 6.6, Audits
Does the NCS Staff participate in periodic audits of operations and procedures?
Are the results of audits shared among the NCS Staff?
Are the results of audits reported to appropriate Facility Management?
Are corrective actions developed for deficiencies?
Criteria: Section 6.7, Investigation of Criticality Safety Violations and Deficiencies
Are nonconformances with criticality safety requirements reported to and reviewed by the NCS Staff?
Does the NCS Staff formally report findings and recommendations to Facility Management?
Are lessons learned developed and recommendations to prevent recurrence made to Facility
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