| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Do firefighters receive criticality safety training?
Are firefighters aware of any moderator-controlled areas or processes?
Are firefighters made aware of locations where a mist condition could affect criticality safety?
Criteria: Section 5.4, Operating Procedures
Are all fissile material handling operations performed according to approved procedures?
Are operations personnel or supervision involved in developing procedures?
Is there a mechanism to assure that only current, approved procedures, CSEs, and postings are
used for operations?
How does the line program supervisor know when to authorize work after all NCS requirements have
been met after modifications to the existing set of controls/procedures?
Does a clear, unambiguous link between the CSE, procedure and posting exist such that it is
traceable from floor level documentation?
Is there a mechanism to ensure that OSR related controls and requirements in procedures or
postings are not changed without proper analysis and approval?
Are Unreviewed Safety Question Determinations (USQD) performed for all procedure modifications?
Criteria: Section 5.5, Maintaining Compliance with Requirements
Are there procedures or mechanisms in place and effective to ensure that modifications to equipment
and/or processes results in a review of the applicable CSEs-procedure-posting set prior to
implementing the modification?
Are there documented surveillances or methods that ensure that new or modified operations conform
to applicable CSEs-procedures-postings?
Is there a process for ensuring that no new or modified operation is started until all applicable
verification steps have been performed which includes presence of approved CSEs, postings,
procedures and that no criticality infraction will result from startup?
Are appropriate surveillance frequencies established for engineered controls relied upon for criticality
safety to ensure that the controls are performing their intended function?
Criteria: Section 5.6, Labeling and Good Housekeeping Practices
Are stored, empty containers labeled as such where there could be uncertainty as to whether or not
containers are empty?
Are gloveboxes with criticality drains free of loose debris, which could potentially clog the drain?
Is fissile material stored in approved containers?
Prior to beginning work at a workstation, is there a procedure to verify compliance with criticality
safety requirements?
Is there evidence of fissile material holdup or filings in gloveboxes?
Are criticality drain liquid traps monitored for adequate liquid levels periodically?
Criteria: Section 6.1, Technical Guidance for Design of Equipment and Processes
Does the NCS Staff provide design input for all new or modified equipment?
Does the NCS Staff review all operating procedures involving fissile materials?
Does the NCS Staff review and concur on final equipment and process designs?
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