| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Do new or revised procedures receive review by the NCS Staff?
Is there a mechanism for resolving conflicting comments the NCS Staff and the other reviewers?
Criteria: Section 7.6, Criticality Safety Postings
Are criticality safety postings easy to understand by operators?
Do the postings contain only information controlled by the operator performing the task?
Do the postings require any analysis on the part of the operator such as decoding "IF-THEN",
"EITHER-OR" type options to select appropriate controls?
What is the relationship between the controls in the posting and the controls in the procedures?
Is there a formalized process for determining which controls appear on postings and which appear in
What mechanism is in place to ensure that the controls in the posting are consistent with those
intended by the parent CSE?
Are postings easy to read from normal operator positions at the workstation?
Do operators rely primarily on postings to obtain their criticality safety controls?
Are all the controls necessary for criticality safety included in postings? If not, are the operators
trained on how to find all the controls applicable to the process?
Is it possible to comply with the requirements of the posting and still incur a criticality safety infraction
because additional controls are contained in the procedures? If so, is there a process for directing
operators to the complete set of required controls?
Criteria: Section 7.7, Response to Criticality Safety Infractions/Violations/Deficiencies
How are infractions graded?
Are the contingencies and barriers for a given operation readily available to the NCS Staff
investigating potential infractions?
Do procedures exist to upgrade the assigned severity level of infractions due to adverse trends?
Do procedures exist to upgrade the assigned severity level of infractions due to the magnitude of the
decrease in the margin of subcriticality?
Do operators immediately stop work, leave the immediate vicinity, notify supervision, post the area,
and contact the NCS Staff promptly when a potential infraction is identified?
Does the NCS Staff respond to the scene of a potential infraction?
Are the responsibilities defined for responding to a potential infraction?
Does the NCS Staff participate in management critiques of infractions, assigning levels of infraction,
and developing corrective actions?
Are infractions resolved promptly and normal operations restarted?
When the NCS Staff recommends immediate corrective actions to recover from an infraction, are
these recommendations made in writing, peer reviewed, and approved by line (Facility or Program)
Are corrective actions stemming from criticality infractions entered into a tracking database and
monitored until closure?
Are minor criticality infractions tracked and trended?
Are all criticality infractions, regardless of severity, documented?
Criteria: Section 7.8, Annual Operations Reviews
Are all operations reviewed at least annually?
How do annual reviews determine that procedures are being followed?
Do audits and reviews monitor the configuration of the facility and processes which could adversely
affect criticality safety, such as movements of criticality detectors, installation of new equipment,
inoperable emergency enunciators, etc.?
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