| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Do personnel with NCS experience and knowledge of the operations perform the reviews?
Do the reviews examine CSEs do verify that changes to the process have not compromised criticality
Are the results of the review reported to senior management as well as Facility and Program
Are deficiencies and proposed corrective actions documented and tracked to closure?
Are procedures in place that verify that changes to process equipment over time have not degraded
compliance with criticality safety controls?
Does the annual review of operations verify the vertical traceability of controls from floor level
documents back to the parent CSE including verification that these chains are current and maintained
Do annual reviews of operations look at all the elements of the criticality safety program affecting
Criteria: Section 8.1, Analysis of New and Modified Operations
Criticality safety evaluations shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/ANS-8.1, "Nuclear
Criticality Safety in Operation with Fissionable Material Outside Reactors."
Are natural phenomena hazards, especially seismic, considered in developing accident scenarios?
Are firefighting scenarios considered (i.e. addition of moderator, displacement of fissile material in
water streams, etc.)?
Do the contingencies credited represent events that are at least unlikely and incorporate lessons
learned from previous process upsets and infraction of NCS limits?
Are the contingencies to be evaluated jointly developed by the NCS staff, responsible operations
personnel, and responsible support engineering organization?
Is there a systematic approach that provides reasonable assurance that all credible criticality
accident scenarios/initiators have been identified and understood?
Are all credible process upsets considered and either controlled or dispositioned appropriately?
Are the criticality safety evaluations performed in a timely fashion?
Do formalized procedures exist for generating criticality safety evaluations?
Does staff familiar with the facility and operations under consideration perform the criticality safety
Does the NCS Staff take full advantage of simplifying methods, bounding calculations, critical
experiment data, handbook data, etc. where appropriate to minimize dependence upon monte carlo
Are calculations validated by comparison to applicable experiment benchmark data?
Is the Applicable Ranges of Bounding Curves and Data (AROBCAD) technique used to select and
verify applicability of the selected benchmarks?
Does the NCS Staff have access to archived criticality safety evaluations as reference?
Do criteria and procedures exist to determine the magnitude of process change, which can be
implemented without revising the criticality safety evaluation?
Does the NCS Staff work as a team with operations to develop credible accident scenarios and
Criteria: Section 8.2, Evaluation of Controlled Parameters
Are controls developed in the criticality safety evaluation for each contingency?
Do criticality safety evaluations and procedures for evaluations emphasize the preference for
engineered controls over administrative controls?
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