| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Criteria: Section 10.5, Training and Drills
Are personnel trained to evacuate by the quickest and most direct route?
Do personnel know where they are to assemble?
Are criticality drills performed at least annually?
Are annual criticality drills an OSR requirement?
Does the alarm tone for a drill mimic the alarm that will be heard in a real accident?
Are personnel pre-staged for criticality alarm drills or are they at their normal work locations?
Do multiple buildings participate in criticality alarm drills?
Will more than one facility go into alarm if a criticality accident occurs?
Are facility visitors indoctrinated in proper evacuation procedures?
Is an emergency command center established for criticality accident drills?
Criteria: Section 10.6, Care for Injured and/or Contaminated Personnel
Are procedures in place to care for injured and exposed personnel?
Are area hospitals equipped and trained to handle personnel with extreme radiation exposures?
Are procedures in place to deal with contaminated personnel?
Criteria: Section 10.7, Personnel Dosimetry
Do radiation monitoring personnel participate in criticality drills?
Do radiation monitoring personnel respond to the assembly areas to monitor for radioactive
Are procedures in place to monitor radiation levels at the assembly areas?
Are appropriate radiation detectors available to ascertain the state of a criticality accident that has
Are radiation monitoring personnel trained in the interpretation of radiation data as it pertains to an
ongoing criticality accident?
Are procedures in place to move personnel from designated assembly areas in the event an
unacceptably high radiation field is encountered?
Are radiation readings reported to the emergency command center?
Criteria: Section 10.9, Re-Entry Procedures
Do emergency response procedures address re-entry and clearly identify the incident commander
responsible for approving re-entry?
Can the criticality alarm system be reset remotely prior to re-entry?
What is the membership of re-entry teams?
Are members trained in the use of proper equipment such as portable radiation monitoring
equipment, portable communications equipment and supplied breathing air?
Are members trained in the types of assignments they will likely be asked to perform and trained in
the types of actions they should avoid (i.e., increasing the risk of high exposure of inadvertent actions
that could result in re-criticality)?
Does the incident commander have pre-determined criteria for authorizing re-entry?
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