| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
Criteria: Section 10.1, Criticality Accident Alarm Systems
Is there a policy for how criticality accident alarm systems are evaluated and approved?
Does documentation exist to demonstrate that the installed criticality detectors can detect the
minimum accident of concern?
Does documentation exist to show that existing criticality detector coverage provides the necessary
redundancy and detection thresholds?
Is there one group responsible for analyzing criticality detector locations?
Is there a procedure that governs the evaluation of criticality detector locations?
Is there a documented analysis showing that the criticality alarm is audible at all occupied locations
subject to an expected dose of 12 read in free air?
Is there documentation that the audible alarm signal requirements of ANSI/ANS-8.3 are satisfied?
Where audible alarms do not satisfy ANSI/ANS-8.3 signal requirements, are beacons present and
Is the criticality accident alarm system designed to minimize false alarms?
Is there an organization responsible for the design, maintenance and testing of criticality accident
alarm system hardware?
Is testing and maintenance of criticality accident alarm systems performed to approved procedures?
When portable, temporary alarms are used do they meet the requirements of ANSI/ANS-8.3?
Before portable, temporary alarms are used is there an analysis to demonstrate that the detectors will
alarm if the minimum accident of concern occurs?
Criteria: Section 10.2, Emergency Procedures
Are emergency procedures available and approved?
Do offsite organizations participate in emergency exercises for criticality scenarios?
Do offsite organizations required to respond in the event of a criticality accident have emergency
response procedures?
Does the NCS Staff have a role in responding to criticality accidents?
Are procedures in place to provide estimates of source terms and fission estimates in the event of a
criticality accident?
Are offsite responders aware of the plant conditions that might be encountered in the event of a
criticality accident?
Criteria: Section 10.3, Evacuation Practices
Do emergency procedures designate evacuation routes?
Are evacuation routes identified and avoid areas of higher risk?
Criteria: Section 10.4, Personnel Accounting
Are personnel assembly stations clearly identified?
Have the designated assembly areas been analyzed in advance to minimize radiation exposures
from a criticality accident?
Do procedures exist to account for all facility personnel, including visitors, in the event of an
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