| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
The purpose of this document is to provide an assessment tool for review of DOE Contractor
criticality safety programs. Assessment of elements as indicated in this Standard will evaluate
whether the program meets the requirements of ANSI/ANS-8.19-1996, Administrative Practices
for Nuclear Criticality Safety, as well as related ANSI/ANS-8 series standards. These standards
represent the best practices for criticality safety programs.
This document encompasses all elements of the Contractor criticality safety program at DOE
facilities. The effectiveness of the criticality safety program is dependent upon management
implementing its roles and responsibilities to integrate criticality safety into work practices as
stated below:
An effective nuclear criticality safety program includes cooperation among management,
supervision, and the criticality safety staff; for each employee, the program relies upon
conformance with operating procedures. (Introduction to ANSI/ANS-8.19-1996)
In May of 1997 the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board) issued Recommendation
97-2 dealing with criticality safety. Among the nine specific recommendations made were: 1)
the need for DOE Sites to maintain a formally trained and qualified nuclear criticality safety staff
including hands on experience at critical mass laboratories; 2) the use of simplified bounding
methods of setting subcritical limits with priority given to existing experimental data; 3) line
management ownership of criticality safety; and, 4) the formation of a core group of criticality
safety experts available to assist the DOE with criticality safety related issues.
This self-assessment tool was first developed as part of the Department's Criticality Safety Self-
Improvement Initiative. The guidance was introduced and distributed at the Criticality Safety
Self-Improvement Workshop, "Your Mission and Nuclear Criticality Safety," held in Las Vegas,
Nevada in August 1999. The Department's Criticality Safety Support Group reviewed and
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