| ![]() DOE-STD-1158-2002
endorsed this self-assessment tool prior to the August 1999 Workshop. The Deputy Secretary of
Energy subsequently required all DOE sites to self-assess their criticality safety programs using
these criteria in response to the Tokai-Mura criticality accident.
The applicable DOE Order for criticality safety is DOE Order 420.1. It requires compliance with
certain ANSI/ANS Standards for criticality safety. The assessment areas presented in this plan
were drawn from the mandatory Standard, ANSI/ANS-8.19-1996, Administrative Practices for
Nuclear Criticality Safety, and are categorized as follows:
Management Responsibilities - Management demonstrates ownership and participation in
the criticality safety program; authorities and responsibilities are defined, understood and
implemented; management provides a nuclear criticality safety staff that is competent in the
physics of criticality and associated safety practices as well as familiar with fissile material
operations; management ensures that the nuclear criticality safety staff is independent of
line management to the extent practicable; management assigns responsibility for criticality
safety in a manner consistent with other safety disciplines; and, management establishes
means of monitoring the criticality safety program and obtains feedback on the overall
effectiveness of the program.
Supervisory Responsibilities - Line supervision accepts responsibility for the criticality safety
of their operations; supervisors understand the controls, contingencies, and criticality safety
basis for operations under their control; classroom and job-specific training in criticality
safety is provided to personnel; procedures govern all work and there are effective change
control and configuration control mechanisms; supervisors verify compliance with criticality
safety specifications before authorizing work; and supervisors require conformance with
good safety practices, good housekeeping, and unambiguous identification of fissile
Nuclear Criticality Safety Staff Responsibilities - The nuclear criticality safety staff is
comprised of specialists skilled in the techniques of nuclear criticality safety assessment and
familiar with plant operations while, to the extent practicable, administratively independent of
line management; the staff provides technical guidance for design of equipment, processes,
and procedures; the staff reviews modifications to equipment, process, and procedures
involving fissile material; the staff maintains familiarity with criticality codes, guides,
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