| DOE-STD-1160-2003
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the DOE's organization and discuss DOE's procedures for communicating
between DOE-Headquarters and Field Elements.
b. Describe DOE's procedures and policies (including form Memorandums of
Understanding) for communicating with OSHA, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and other regulatory agencies.
c. Define the respective jurisdictions of DOE and OSHA concerning occupational safety
and health matters on DOE work sites.
d. Describe the importance of requiring the proper skill levels of knowledge for each of the
occupational safety work areas listed in the Occupational Safety Qualification Standard.
11. Occupational safety personnel shall demonstrate a working-level knowledge of the
development and management of both the technical and programmatic elements of
an occupational safety program.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss function of a safety program.
b. Discuss general principles of management applicable to the organization of the safety
function, safety program planning, safety program evaluation, and communications with
labor, management, and the public.
c. Describe the role and significance of the following major elements in a successful safety
Positive management leadership
Assignment of safety management roles, authorities, accountabilities, and
Formal statement of policy
Maintenance of safe working conditions
Establishment of control and prevention programs
Worksite analysis
Employee involvement
Program and work area assessments.
d. Describe importance of and methods for establishing, updating, and measuring
program performance against safety program goals and objectives.
e. Identify common safety program performance indicators.
Discuss safety program funding and human resource issues that must be considered in
both short and long-term plans and budgets.
g. Describe role, contents, and significance of a written safety program document.
h. Discuss importance of employee participation in the implementation of the safety
programs and identify potential methods to ensure or encourage involvement.
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