| DOE-STD-1179-2004
Technical training personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of DOE
training organizations, strategic initiatives, roles and responsibilities, and training
administration and infrastructure.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the current initiatives of the DOE Office of Training and Human Resources
Development, and explain how they apply to the field and headquarters training
Describe the Federal Technical Capability Program (as listed in DOE M 426.1-1,
Federal Technical Capability Manual) and its application to the field and
headquarters training offices.
State and discuss some of the attributes of an efficient and effective technical
training organization at a defense nuclear facility.
State and discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of centralized and
decentralized training organizations.
Explain the purpose of a training policy and procedure manual and discuss the
typical policies and procedures that may be found in this manual.
Describe the roles and responsibilities of line management, the training
organization, and the employee as related to training and qualification.
Explain how to use facilities, equipment and materials in an efficient manner to
implement the training process.
Describe the purpose and attributes of a technical training resource library.
Describe the process necessary to share training materials and resources among
the federal and contractor training organizations.
Participate on a local headquarters-sponsored fact-finding team, working group, or
related training and human resources initiative that assesses impact, supports, or
implements a DOE human resources initiative.
Using DOE-HDBK-1001-96, Guide to Good Practices for Training and Qualification
of Instructors, describe the qualification, requalification and monitoring of trainers,
including OJT instructors, needed to ensure the effectiveness of training.
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