| DOE-STD-1181-2004
d. Describe the following assessment methods and the advantages or limitations of each
Document review
e. Describe the action(s) to be taken if the contractor challenges the assessment findings
and explain how such challenges can be avoided.
Facility maintenance management personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of lessons learned and problems impacting the Department's
maintenance activities across complex.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the documentation of the Department's and industry's "lessons learned" and
current events.
b. Discuss recent events that impact maintenance management activities.
c. Discuss current efforts by the Department and the contractor to address issues and
recent events.
d. Discuss recent issues identified by external groups (e.g., Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board, Environmental Protection Agency, Occupational Safety and Health Act)
and Department oversight groups (Environmental Health and Operational Readiness
Reviews) that impact facility maintenance.
e. Explain the intent of a Maintenance Problem Analysis Program and discuss a
maintenance problem where this program has recently been employed.
Facility maintenance management personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of the requirements of a maintenance management program.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the structures, systems, and components included in a maintenance
management program.
b. Discuss line management's responsibilities for the maintenance management program.
c. Define the term "graded approach" and discuss its application to a maintenance
management program.
d. Discuss the application of Technical Safety Requirements in a maintenance
management program.
e. Discuss the management systems that control maintenance activities.
Describe the mechanisms for feedback of relevant information, such as trend analysis
and instrumentation performance/reliability data, to identify necessary program
g. Discuss the role of configuration management as it relates to maintenance
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