| DOE-STD-1183-2004
nuclear safety-related systems.
8. Nuclear safety specialists shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of process
instrumentation principles of operation as applied to nuclear safety-related systems .
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Explain the process-related reason for measuring temperature, pressure, flow, and fluid
b. For the temperature detection devices listed, explain how the instrument provides an output
representative of the temperature being measured:
Thermocouple (TC)
Resistance temperature detector (RTD)
c. For the pressure detection devices listed, explain how the instrument provides an output
representative of the pressure being measured:
Magnehelic differential pressure device
Photohelic differential pressure device
d. For the position detection devices listed, explain how the detector provides an output
representative of the position being represented:
Limit switches
Linear variable differential transformer types
e. Referring to a piping and instrumentation drawing (P&ID) containing temperature, pressure,
level, flow, or position detection components, explain their function in the designated
system and relationship to system safety.
Discuss the importance of safety and process instrumentation to nuclear safety including
redundancy and calibration requirements.
9. Nuclear safety specialists shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of piping
and instrumentation drawings (P&ID).
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Given a piping and instrumentation drawing, identify/interpret the symbols used for system
components including the following as a minimum:
Heat exchangers
b. Identify how valve conditions (open/closed) are depicted.
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