| ![]() DOE-STD-1186-2004
DOE Guide 423.1-1, Implementation Guide For Use In Developing Technical Safety
Requirements, provides detailed guidance for developing TSR content, including ACs.
Section 4.10.7 of the guide recognizes that ACs may be applied for risk reduction of individual
accident scenarios. When ACs specifically state a limit or specific requirement rather than a
generic programmatic reliance, failure to meet such statements can result in a TSR violation. In
contrast, a TSR violation of a safety management program can only result from a gross program
failure, significant enough to render the DSA assumptions invalid.
DOE G 423.1-1 and DOE STD-3009 continue to provide relevant guidance on the application of
ACs as part of the DSA-required controls. However, this document provides additional
amplification and clarification for the appropriate development and implementation of ACs.
Expectations for the Formulation, Implementation, and Maintenance of Specific
Administrative Controls
The development, selection, and implementation of an effective set of hazard controls are
among the most important elements of nuclear safety. DOE has established a priority process
that favors preventive over mitigative measures, passive design features over active controls,
and engineered controls over ACs. The approved process recognizes that, where necessary or
practical, ACs may play an important role in hazard prevention and mitigation.
This Standard consolidates and clarifies existing DOE rule guidance and standards so that
contractors may formulate, implement, and maintain ACs consistent with their importance to
safety. This Standard also provides expectations for the formulation, implementation, and
maintenance of ACs when relied on to provide specific safety functions of SS/SC importance,
and to ensure existing ACs of this nature are evaluated and improved.
Formulation (Design), of Specific Administrative Controls
The general approach to formulating SACs, as described in this Standard, parallels existing
guidance for designing safety SSCs. Primary guidance for nuclear safety design criteria is
found in DOE O 420.1A, Section 4.1, and its associated implementation guide, DOE G 420.1-1,
Nonreactor Nuclear Safety Design Criteria and Explosive Safety Criteria Guide for use with
DOE O 420.1., Facility Safety. These documents contain requirements and guidance for safety
SSCs that have been adapted for SACs as follows:
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