| DOE-STD-1186-2004
Relationship of DOE-STD-1186-2004 to 10 CFR Part 830, DOE G 423.1-1,
DOE G 421.1-2 and Safe Harbor Methods for DSAs under 10 CFR Part 830
Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 830, "Safety Bases" requires contractors responsible for hazard
category 1, 2, and 3 nuclear facilities to develop safety bases for those facilities. The safety
bases consist of DSAs and hazard controls in TSRs derived from the DSA hazard analyses.
Various guides and technical standards, such as this document, provide guidance to help
interpret and implement requirements, including the DSA safe harbor methodologies listed in
10 CFR Part 830, Appendix A, Table 2.
The methodology in DOE-STD-3009-94, CN2, Preparation Guide for U.S Department of Energy
Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Documented Safety Analyses, is an acceptable method for
preparation of a DSA for nonreactor nuclear facilities. STD-3009 CN2 provides detailed
guidance for preparation of SARs (DSAs), including the derivation of TSRs. The general
guidance of STD-3009 in methodologies for hazard analysis and specification of hazard controls
and their classification is applicable to all the safe harbor methodologies (see DOE G 421.1-2,
Section 5.3, Hierarchy and Selection of Safety Items (Hazard Controls), as is the guidance for
SACs in this Standard.
Dispositioning activities such as decommissioning and environmental restoration provide unique
challenges. In these types of activities, it is common that the hazards and the hazard control
sets change as the work progresses. More application-specific guidance for dispositioning
activities can be found in DOE-STD-1120, Integration of Environment, Safety, and Health into
Facility Dispositioning Activities.
STD-3009 addresses derivation of ACs relative to the anticipated application of ACs with major
significance to defense in depth, or worker safety. These ACs are typically implemented
through safety management programs. Inclusion of these ACs in the TSRs formally
acknowledges the importance of programmatic commitments (e.g., radiation protection,
maintenance, quality assurance) to overall facility safety, but usually do not specify key aspects
of each program as providing specific safety functions. The cumulative effect of these safety
management programs is recognized as being important to overall facility safety, as opposed to
specific accident risk reduction.
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