| DOE-STD-1186-2004
LCO 3.3
The total quantity of containerized waste that can be stored in
WASTE STORAGE FACILITY is restricted to 2,000 plutonium-
239 equivalent curies. Compliance shall be demonstrated by
tracking the total quantity of nuclear material present within all
waste boxes and other containers.
The LCO set the initial MAR for accident scenarios that
involve the entire WASTE STORAGE FACILITY waste
inventory (i.e., major fire, seismic). The initial MAR
determination for these scenarios is based on projected waste
container loading to the Site 95th UCL + 20% values. Using
these values represents a very conservative MAR
determination for the entire WASTE STORAGE FACILITY
The MAR loadings for the highest estimated single TRU
containers were used in the safety analysis for scenarios
involving just a few waste containers and are carried forward
as requirements. Compliance with these requirements can be
demonstrated by utilizing the Waste and Environmental
Management System (WEMS) database and process
knowledge, scan data, radiological surveys, or other
assessment methods indicating that the waste is TRU.
Therefore, WEMS must contain a curie value or a waste type
designation of TRU prior to acceptance of a container. High
Americium wastes do not fall in the category of TRU and are
not evaluated in this safety analysis.
Waste storage is the only activity conducted in the WASTE
ACTIONS A.1 and A.2
If WASTE STORAGE FACILITY exceeds the total quantity of
material permitted, the building shall be brought into
compliance to re-establish the assumptions of the WASTE
STORAGE FACILITY specific safety analyses. Compliance
may be re-established by removing container(s) from WASTE
STORAGE FACILITY, re-assay to obtain a more accurate
count, or expert review of an existing assay. Bringing WASTE
STORAGE FACILITY into compliance within 3 weeks is
required. Three weeks is considered adequate time for facility
management to identify, communicate with, and coordinate a
transfer to an appropriate on-site facility.1
Each facility must provide technically a defensible basis for Action Statement time limits based on analyses
performed for the respective LCOs and associated Action Statements.
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