| ![]() DOE-STD-1186-2004
ACTIONS B.1 through B.2.2
If a waste container in WASTE STORAGE FACILITY contains
more that the specified nuclear material at risk limits, all
container movement in the vicinity of the non-compliant waste
container must be suspended within 1 hour. Based upon the
simplicity of the container movement activities in WASTE
STORAGE FACILITY, one hour is judged to be adequate to
notify all workers in the vicinity to suspend movement
activities and to safely secure the handling equipment and
waste containers involved.
If a waste container in WASTE STORAGE FACILITY contains
more than the specified nuclear material limits, the waste
container is to be removed from the facility or brought into
compliance to re-establish the assumptions of the WASTE
STORAGE FACILITY specific safety analyses within 3 weeks.
Compliance may be established by re-assay to obtain a more
accurate count or expert review of an existing assay. Three
weeks is considered adequate time for facility management to
identify, communicate with, and coordinate a transfer to an
appropriate on-site facility or to re-establish container
An increase in a specific waste container MAR does not have
any impact on contiguous waste containers, other than for
issues dealing with criticality. Therefore, for all accidents not
involving a criticality, high MAR containers do not require
container segregation. The Criticality Safety Program is
credited for handling any criticality issues related to high MAR
containers and their movement.
The likelihood of an occurrence of an accident involving
identified high MAR waste container(s) is small during the
maximum three-week interval for removal.2
SR 3.3.1 and 3.3.2
Performance of SR 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 on a monthly basis
assurances WASTE STORAGE FACILITY compliance with
material at risk limits. Performance of SR 3.3.1 and 3.3.2
"before shipment" OR "at receipt" assures that WASTE
STORAGE FACILITY is operated within the bounds of the
safety analysis. A WEMS query may be used to perform SR
3.3.1, and SR 3.3.2.
Each facility must provide technically a defensible basis for Action Statement time limits based on analyses
performed for the respective LCOs and associated Action Statements.
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