| ![]() DOE-STD-3003-2000
can be damaged by out-of-phase transfer Overspeed. The engine
between normal and backup sources under
overspeed resulting from a SHORT-TIME
both emergency and test conditions.
RATING load rejection shall not cause
moving parts to fail nor the engine to trip. The Surveillance features. A
overspeed trip device setting shall protect the
unit from damage. Refer to IEEE Std 387 for
surveillance system/program should be
additional guidance.
provided to monitor the status of the EG for
the various modes (operating, test, standby, Automatic operation. If the EG
lockout/maintenance). For important
applications (necessary to mitigate/prevent
is required to operate separately in DROOP
consequences of process accidents) where
an EG is unable to perform its design
voltage regulator is required to accommodate
function (when an essential auxiliary/support
paralleled and nonparalleled operation, the
system is inoperable as well as during
EG controls for each of these control
maintenance or other lockout conditions),
systems should automatically revert to the
indication of the inoperable status should be
appropriate mode of operation upon an
provided. Sufficient information should be
automatic demand signal. The need for this
provided to allow any required remote action
feature should be assessed based on the
to manually start, load/unload, or trip the EG.
significance of unavailability during testing,
Where the EG is normally controlled from a
considering manual action could be taken to
remote location, a common trouble alarm
place the unit in a condition where it could
may be provided at the remote location for
then respond. There shall be protective
conditions that cannot be rectified from the
features to protect an EG from an overload
remote location.
that may occur during a loss of normal power
when the EG is operating in parallel with the Monitored systems. EG
systems should be provided with sufficient Control. The EG may have
instrumentation to measure and display the
variables indicative of proper operation and
automatic and/or manual control capability.
to provide alarm signals for abnormal and trip
Automatic control should include automatic
conditions. These systems include the
start on a demand signal and automatic
engine, start system (battery or air),
adjustment of speed and voltage to a ready-
to-load condition. Manual control shall be
cooling system, fuel supply system,
available to allow operator intervention as
lubricating system, speed governor,
needed. To prevent personal injury, an
combustion air system, and the EG breaker.
engine start signal shall not override any
Included in the various parameters that may
manual non-operating modes used for repair
be monitored are: pressure, temperature,
or maintenance. NFPA 110 and IEEE Std
flow, level, frequency/speed, current, voltage,
387 provide additional guidance. Most EG
power, volt-amperes, power factor, and
bus designs incorporate an undervoltage
contact positions.
relay that will trip and may block closure of
the breaker feeding from the normal power Protective features. Features
source to the EG bus. Features should be
incorporated to allow easy restoration of the
shall be provided to protect the EG against
GRID if the EG fails during a test in which the
damage- or failure-inducing events. Such
GRID source is disconnected. Where
features shall cause immediate shutdown of
necessary for equipment protection,
the EG upon exceeding the trip level. Alarms
especially motor-driven loads with low inertia,
of a protective trip actuation should be
controls for breakers and automatic switches
provided at the appropriate location. NFPA
should be provided to ensure that neither the
110 provides guidance on equipment safety
ENGINE GENERATOR nor the driven loads
indications and shutdowns using a graded
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