| ![]() DOE-STD-3003-2000
Safety precautions for engine-
approach. Protective features should be able
driven generators.
to be periodically tested and the trip
instrumentation and controls should be
5.2.3 EG testing. EG installations shall
periodically calibrated. The capability to block
protective trips during an actual emergency
accommodate periodic testing during
condition should be considered. Alternatively,
operation of the plant (or process) and during
independent indicators with coincident trip
shutdown. When operation of facility
logic could be considered. The following is a
processes does not allow such a test, they
list of typical equipment safety indications
may be performed on a less frequent basis
and shutdowns; use may vary with
during planned maintenance or shutdown
importance and power source application:
periods. To the extent practical, the EG
system test demands should duplicate actual
Low lubrication oil pressure
demands. Simulation of loss of power should
Engine overspeed
exercise the circuits that sense power loss
Generator phase current differential
and initiate automatic start, and cause
Generator overcurrent
OUTPUT BREAKER closure and transfer
Cooling water pressure
device operation. Instrument sensor design
High engine temperature (typically
and location should permit in-place
cooling water temperature downstream
inspection and calibration. Alarm and status
of the EG)
indication of important modes and
High vibration
parameters should be included.
Low turbocharger oil pressure
Communications should be established
High crankcase pressure
between the local test station and the normal
Reverse power (during operation in
operating area to allow test personnel to
parallel with GRID or other sources)
inform operators of EG test status and
Failure to start after normal cranking
condition. Operating data should be recorded
at the beginning and end of the test and at
Emergency stop
regular intervals during the test.
Some protective trip functions should never Periodic testing during facility
be bypassed. Trips such as engine
operation. EGs for operating facilities shall be
overspeed, generator phase current
periodically tested according to a
differential, reverse power, and emergency
documented schedule to demonstrate their
stop should always cause EG shutdown.
ability to start and accept required loads. To
These trips are indicative of faults or failures
avoid unnecessary and premature
that render the EG incapable of supplying its
degradation of the EG, manufacturer's
loads, and may cause equipment damage if
recommendations should be followed in
left unchecked.
regard to prelubrication, acceleration,
loading, and unloading. An EG start from
5.2.2 Qualification of maintenance
normal STANDBY CONDITIONS (fast start
test) shall be performed annually or
personnel for EGs. Specific qualification for
semiannually if not done during the periodic
EG maintenance personnel should include
test. Other engine starts should follow
the following subjects:
manufacturer's recommendations for
prelubrication and/or other warmup
Diesel and/or gasoline engine
fundamentals (as appropriate).
procedures to minimize mechanical stress
and wear. (The use of these slow start tests
is more important for larger machines.) The
Testing and maintenance
practices for EGs.
following should be performed at least once
per month, unless otherwise specified by the
manufacturer or surveillance requirements:
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