| ![]() DOE-STD-3003-2000
capacity of cells), and for information on the
all switchgear and distribution equipment
treatment of design margin and the various
necessary to provide quality voltage and
associated factors to assess whether sizing
current as required by the connected load.
is adequate.
The battery is normally in full float operation
where it is connected in parallel with a Installation. The following
charger and the load, and where the charger
supplies the normal dc load plus any self-
factors shall be addressed for an acceptable
discharge or charging current, or both,
battery installation: vibration, temperature,
required by the battery. The battery will
ventilation for hydrogen offgassing and heat
supply power to the load upon loss of ac
removal, local heat sources, power source
power to the charger, failure of the charger,
location, mounting rack (support, insulation,
or when the load exceeds the charger output.
and grounding), seismic needs, containment
for flooded lead acid batteries,
used for standby service in industrial control,
instrumentation, and alarms. Refer to IEEE
electric substation control circuits, UPSs, and
Std 484 (Vented Lead-Acid), IEEE 1106
communication system service. The following
(Nickle-Cadmium), or IEEE Std 1187 (Valve-
subsections provide requirements and
Regulated Lead-Acid) for detailed guidance
on battery installation. Refer to IEEE Std 450
including their maintenance and testing.
(lead-acid), IEEE Std 1106, IEEE 1187, or
IEEE 1188 for acceptance testing.
5.4.1 Battery system capabilities. The
Manufacturer's recommendations should be
followed, if more limiting, for all batteries.
specification of requirements for
5.4.2 Battery maintenance, testing, and
battery load (load profile), voltage, time
period, environment, and installation. DOE-
surveillance. Batteries shall be monitored,
SPEC-3018 or DOE-SPEC-3019 should be
periodically maintained, and properly charged
used to develop and document the
to ensure their readiness to perform. Many
specification for new lead-acid battery
types of batteries, if allowed to sit without a
charger, will internally discharge, often with
irreversible cell degradation. For these types Battery sizing. Battery load
of batteries, it is important to maintain proper
charging FLOAT VOLTAGE during standby.
profiles and sizing shall be developed in
Due to inherent differences between cells,
accordance with IEEE Std 485 (for lead-acid
FLOAT VOLTAGE and specific gravity values
batteries) or IEEE Std 1115 (for nickel-
will vary from cell to cell over time. If cell
cadmium batteries). This includes type of
FLOAT VOLTAGES and/or specific gravity
load, nature of the load (transient and
values are allowed to remain in an unequal
steady-state values), timing of application of
condition for extended periods of time, cell
loads, length of time for each load and
sulfation will result. To overcome this
overall time needed for battery operation.
problem, periodic EQUALIZING CHARGE
IEEE Std 485 and IEEE Std 1115 provide
must be applied to equalize cell voltages and
detailed instructions on how to treat various
specific gravities. Manufacturer's
types of loads and construct a load profile.
recommendations should be followed in
Other factors involved in assessing proper
battery size include: maximum system
performing an EQUALIZING CHARGE, care
voltage, minimum acceptable voltage, and
should be taken to assure the charger
battery duty cycle. Cells may be connected in
voltage does not exceed the voltage rating of
series or series-parallel combinations to
the loads connected during the equalize
arrive at the desired voltage and battery
charge. Batteries are rated at a temperature
capacity. Refer to IEEE Std 485 or IEEE Std
of 25 C. Higher temperatures will improve
1115 as appropriate for detailed guidance on
capacity at high discharge rates but
assessing cell and battery size (number and
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