| ![]() DOE-STD-3003-2000
ability to perform its function. In order to
significantly reduce battery life. Lower
perform the Service Test, the load profile
temperatures have a significant effect in
(duty cycle) for the battery must be known.
reducing battery capacity. Typical battery
During the performance of these tests, the
types for standby service are lead-acid
battery will be unavailable for duty due to
(calcium, antimony), pure lead (generally a
significant discharge. These tests should only
"round cell"), or nickel-cadmium. IEEE Std
be performed under conditions when the
1106 provides criteria and guidance for
unavailability of the battery is acceptable, or
nickel-cadmium batteries similar to that
provisions should be made for an alternate
provided in IEEE Std 450 for lead-acid
source to be temporarily connected to the
batteries. Manufacturers will provide
loads for the duration of the test and
necessary information on the care,
recharging of the battery. Intervals,
precautions, charging, and treatment of
procedural instructions, and criteria for the
specific batteries including during periods of
Performance and Service Tests for lead-acid
batteries shall be in accordance with IEEE
Std 450 or IEEE 1188. The schedule and Routine maintenance and
procedures for battery capacity tests for
surveillance of lead-acid batteries. Routine
nickel-cadmium batteries shall be in
inspections and corrective actions for
accordance with IEEE Std 1106.
problems found during surveillance and
Replacement criteria for nickel-cadmium cells
testing shall be in accordance with IEEE Std
shall be in accordance with IEEE Std 1106.
450 or IEEE 1188, as applicable. Manufactur-
Battery replacement criteria for lead-acid
ers also provide recommended routine main-
cells shall be in accordance with IEEE Std
tenance practices that should be considered
in the care of batteries. NFPA 110 provides
guidance on a graded approach to battery
maintenance and surveillance. In addition,
TABLE I provides an example of good
practices for surveillance and testing of lead-
acid cells. Adjustments to (increase or
decrease) the intervals in TABLE I should be
based on experience and manufacturer's
recommendations. Refer to IEEE Std 1106
for maintenance, inspection, and corrective
actions for nickel-cadmium batteries. Periodic load tests for batteries.
The only real measure of a battery's capacity
and capability to provide power to its required
load is derived from the performance of two
different tests. One of these is called the
the other is called the Service Test. The
indicates the existing capacity of the battery
expressed as a percent of the rated capacity.
This provides an indication of the remaining
useful life of the battery. The Service Test is
an as-found test that demonstrates the ability
of the battery to carry its required load for the
required time period (duty cycle). These two
tests are the best indicators of a battery's
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