| ![]() DOE-STD-3003-2000
Perform a loss-of-power test that
monitoring, periodic maintenance, and
simulates the loss of normal
charging to ensure their readiness to
power to the EG buses and:
perform. Refer to 5.4 for information on
maintenance and related activities for
Verify that the buses that will
ensuring reliable battery operation.
be powered by the EG
deenergize and loads shed, Infrequent tests. Infrequent
as required.
tests are performed on EGs to verify machine
capabilities other than start and load that
Verify EG auto-starts and, if
need not be demonstrated on a monthly
required, auto-loads the
basis or that cannot be performed during
connected system loads
plant operation. Users shall be appropriately
within any required load
notified before performing disruptive tests.
timing sequence. Verify
The following are typical EG tests that should
frequency and voltage are
be performed on an 18-month basis or during
maintained within
plant maintenance periods or shutdown as
manufacturer's specifications
the plant design and the safety analysis
for connected loads for both
necessitates. The EG test program should be
transient and steady-state
tailored to include the following tests as
pertinent to the specific EG application. The
testing in b., c., and e. may be accomplished
If the EG is manually loaded,
using a load bank, or by synchronizing to the
perform manual loading as
offsite GRID if this capability is available. If a
normally done for the specific EG
load bank is routinely used, a dedicated
connection should be provided.
Perform an endurance test that
Perform manufacturer's inspection
will demonstrate that the EG
procedures specified for this
operates (typically for 8 to 24
interval for an EG used in standby
hours) at 90 - 100%
installation permits, load power
Verify the capability of the EG to
factor. If a short-time rating is
reject a load of greater than or
provided, it is desirable to test the
equal to (largest single load) kW
unit at this load during the 8 to 24-
while maintaining engine speed
hour period. If the connected load
less than or equal to nominal
is above the CONTINUOUS
speed plus 75% of the difference
RATING but within the SHORT-
between nominal speed and the
TIME RATING, the unit should be
overspeed trip setpoint, or 15%
operated at this load for no longer
above nominal, whichever is less.
than the time specified for the
The voltage and frequency
short-time rating. The generator
excursion should not cause
voltage and frequency shall be
damage or misoperation of loads.
(required value 10%) volts and
(60 1.2) Hz throughout the
Verify capability of the EG to
duration of the load test. After the
reject a load of (90 - 100% of
test is complete, shut the unit
down and within 5 minutes
without tripping on overspeed.
demonstrate the ability of the unit
to HOT RESTART and load to 90-
100% of its CONTINUOUS RA-
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