| ![]() DOE-STD-3003-2000 Diesel fuel tests. A program
shall be established for maintaining the
Record the as-found conditions,
quality of fuel. Long-term storage of fuel
including coolant and lubricant
requires proper selection, proper storage
levels, and the identity of the test
conditions, and monitoring of fuel properties
prior to and during storage. ANS 59.51 and
ASTM D975 provide guidance for maintaining
Verify that the EG starts and
the quality of fuel for diesel generators. Fuel
accelerates to operating rpm in
shall be procured according to the
(the required value) seconds.
requirements of Federal Specification VV-F-
800, ASTM D975, or the diesel
shall be (required value 10%)
manufacturer's specifications if it is more
volts and (60 1.2) Hz within
restrictive. The program shall establish
(required value) seconds.
criteria for periodic testing and for the
disposition of fuel not meeting the
Verify that the starting system
appropriate specifications. Procedures for
disengages properly (if an
periodic sampling can be found in ASTM
indication is provided).
D4057. In addition to periodic testing, water
should be periodically drained from the fuel
Verify that fuel tank levels (fuel
tank. The fuel should be kept cool. The tank
storage tank, day tank, and
should be kept full to minimize breathing and
engine tank) are within
reduce exposure to air. These measures will
reduce the rate of buildup of condensation
water, fungi, bacteria, and oxidation
Remove accumulated water from
fuel tanks and oil/water separator. Gasoline fuel tests. Gasoline is
Verify that the fuel transfer pump
system starts and that fuel is
considerably more reactive than diesel fuel
being transferred from the storage
and highly susceptible to deterioration during
tank to the day and engine-
long-term storage. The best practice is to
mounted tank (if present).
plan storage capacity and fuel use to avoid
prolonged storage. The volatile nature of
Verify EG can accept loads up to
gasoline dictates that quantities on site be
90% of the CONTINUOUS
kept to the minimum necessary and all
RATING and operate for 1 hour
standard precautions be taken to reduce the
(time should consider
potential for explosion and fire. The same
actions should be taken as with diesel fuel
recommendations). This may be
(periodic draining of water condensate from
done using normal loads, a load
the storage tank; keeping the tank full to
bank, or by synchronizing to the
reduce fuel exposure to air and minimize
offsite GRID if this capability is
moisture intake; and keeping the fuel cool to
available. If a load bank is
slow oxidation, fungi, and bacteria rates).
routinely used, a dedicated
connection should be provided. Battery surveillance tests. Most
The value of 90% is used to
EGs used in backup applications at DOE
provide margin to avoid
facilities use batteries to provide the initial
inadvertent overloading. If this is
energy source for the control, start, and field
not feasible, the test loading
flashing power necessary to bring the unit to
conditions provided by NFPA 110
operating conditions. A degraded battery
may be substituted.
may result in failure of the BACKUP POWER
SOURCE to perform. Batteries require
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